Cityscape / Pattern

I introduced kids to patterns in architecture. We didn’t really talk about architecture itself; instead we really focused on identifying patterns on the façade of the building. I had printed different photographs of buildings from around the world (Kremlin, Taj Mahal, Sidney Opera House…)  and local as well (old Main Library, City Hall…). We took time to look at the different one, first by identifying the building and where it is. Then, kids took turn to pick a picture and point out one of the patterns.

For the project, we used a piece of construction paper (9×12), and black markers. Children folded their piece of paper accordion style, creating 4 sections. In each section they drew a building, first by creating different roofs and then by filling-in each building with different patterns.IMAG1403 IMAG1404 IMAG1405

Once their buildings were designed, We cut off the top along the roof line and place them all on a table to create a cityscape.

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I found the idea on Pinterest, through an art teacher’s blog. Their version was flat and I felt it needed volume, that’s why we folded ours first.

Creative Lab

Our first Creative Lab was amazing! Exactly like I thought it would happen. There were 15 kids ranging form the age of 5 to 10. The younger ones were helped by their parents, the older ones worked on their own. This first Creative Lab was about construction. We talked about architects and how they design buildings & towers; what they have to think of when building (a safe base, the height, the aesthetics…). Children were given recyled objects to create a tower. They had to make it as tall as they could (not a competition). They could work in teams or alone and they couldn’t use glue. We had duct tape that they could use.

Davis, age 7, made the tallest tower in his age group. He also worked alone.
His tower was taller than him, once placed on the floor.
It was an impressive construction.








Some of the kids decided to focus on the base and never really had time to build up their towers. Others focused on the symetrical aspect of their towers. Three 10 years old boys teamed up and made the tallest tower. At the end, they added one element which made the tower tip over. They tried to fix it, but it never really stand the same afterwards.


The tallest Tower! We measured it before it collapsed, it was 7′ 7″ !









Kimberly, age 5, build a “house” from styrofoam.